Keeping the unity through the bond of peace

On May 1, 2019, EFC-Iloilo and EFC-Ajuy had its first combined picnic. It was a gorgeous day at Mimai’s Inland Resort at Zaragga, Iloilo. Throughout the day the sound of laughter echoed in the air as families & friends spent quality time together.

EFC-Ajuy Youth enjoy Island summer outreach

The youth of Evangel Family Church (EFC)-Ajuy thought the best way to maximize precious summer time is to devote themselves to God’s endeavors by conducting a two-day Summer Vacation Bible School (SVBS) in EFC-Nasidman, their two-year-old outstation churches.

The First DVBS in Sitio Olalo, Ajuy Iloilo

By: Sis. Hella Nimes

“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them for such belongs to the Kingdom of God” Luke 18:6

Evangel Family Church Ajuy leaders and workers conducted 3 days of daily vacation bible school last May 19-21, 2015 at Sitio Olalo, Pili Ajuy Iloilo. This ministry had three main purposes: First, to reach out to the people of Sitio Olalo with the gospel of Jesus Christ; Second, to convert them to genuine Christianity; Third, to congregate them, especially the next generation.

The strategies that were used were very effective. House to house visitation was done the day before, in order to invite them for the DVBS the following day; and posters were posted in some houses to inform the people about the said ministry. In order to capture the interest of the youth and the children, snacks were served after classes, and school supplies were given as graduation gifts for those who had been faithful in attendance. Different awards were also given to deserving students; and some of them were given the opportunity to enhance their talents by presenting their own special numbers in order to entertain the classes.

All in all we can say that the DVBS that we conducted in Sitio Olalo, was a success, because up to now, the youth and children who had participated in the DVBS, continue to attend our Sunday services; and enthusiastically attend the Bible Study that we conduct every Saturday in their Sitio.

We are truly grateful for the lives of those committed members of EFC Ajuy, who became part of this wonderful ministry. We also like to thank Sis. Theresa Oscares who financially supported this ministry by providing the school supplies for the youth and children who participated in our DVBS. We also like to thank our Pastors: Rev. Benjamin Chavez and Rev. Lina Chavez for their financial and spiritual support. All glory and honor belongs to God!


Inter-church prayer rally strengthens Western Visayas

Routine church prayer meetings kick up as one church unites with the rest of the body of Christ. Last June 12, 2014, churches from the Western Visayas section decided to clasp uplifted hands in fervent prayer for each other.

Western Visayas Region Overseer, Rev. Benjamin Chavez, said that this Prayer Rally is different from the usual church prayer meetings because all churches in the Iloilo section went out of their way to bond with fellow planters. 50 pastors and leaders of 10 EFC-Churches from Ajuy, Tubogan, Dumangas, Pototan, Roxas, San Miguel, Sta. Barbara, Jaro, Tigbauan and Guimaras met in this united prayer and fasting for abundant harvest.

The whole-day event was held at the JECPP Western Visayas Office at E. Lopez St., Jaro, Iloilo City. Those who attended testified that their spirits were quickened by the Holy Spirit and the intense prayers of their brothers and sisters.

According to Rev. Chavez, the highlight of the event was that the churches “drew lots” as they took turns praying for each other.  Every church was given an opportunity to pray for the particular church picked out from the bunch of prayer requests.  “We joined our hands together and prayed desperately for God’s power, favor and direction for churches all over the Philippines”, he said.

Exponential geographical and financial growth, healing and revival were the goals of this first Prayer Rally intended to become a regular practice in the Western Visayas region.