By: Pastor Mivelyn Margate

Evangel Family Church, Marahan, Marilog District was extremely excited to host the 4th Annual Tribal Family Camp slated on May 28-31, 2018.  The 3-day Tribal Family Camp was composed of different Evangel Family Tribal Churches in Marilog District.  Prior to the event, tribal EFC Pastors, leaders and volunteers would never mind walking kilometers in the blistering heat, with the goal of inviting their members to the said gathering.  Most of these members live deep in the high interior mountains with no roads.

When the first day of the camp arrived, the organizing team was faced with a great challenge, it was raining very hard and would be difficult for the delegates to reach the venue.  Nevertheless, the team did not mind the weather condition, instead they topped everyone who has a motorcycle to fetch the delegates in their homes to ensure their presence for the Tribal Family Camp.

From sunrise to sundown, the drivers of these motorcycles joyfully picked the delegates one by one from their locations and brought them to EFC-Marahan. A total of 318 victorious delegates arrived that day, their faces were beaming with joy. They were ecstatic on how the Lord treasured each one of them and how glad they were that despite the weather challenge they faced earlier they were still able to make it. Besides, their experience illustrated the theme of the family camp: Unsaon Pagpahimuot Sa Dios (How to Please God).  They exclaimed that they pleased God by not wavering in their faith.

The gathering aimed to bring the tribal brethren closer to Jesus.  The speakers namely: Pastor Patricio & Pastor Mivelyn Margate of EFC Marahan, Sis. Percila Rodahe of EFC Patag, Sis. Alma Mansabanlay of EFC New Lake, Bro. Jose Rocha of EFC Bagong Silang, Bro. Ramil Latimbang of EFC Kahabang, Bro Maximo Lasquite of EFC Palasungan and Rev. Tony & Pastor Liza Angelias of EFC Kidapawan were used by God mightily to encourage and strengthen the tribal brethren.

During the camp, the delegates slept, ate, learned, did morning devotions and played Outdoor games (men) and Indoor games (women and children) together. One of the highlights of the event, was the Preaching Contest, represented by every tribal church, the contest inspired their respective pastors as they recognized the potentials of their members. During break times, delegates will share their testimonies to each other on how they know the Lord Jesus. It was so evident in their conversations that they acknowledge that every good thing that happened to them and their families are because of the faithfulness of God.

On the third day, all volunteer tribal workers had a special fellowship time together with all the tribal leaders and some EFC Pastors to encourage each other in the Lord.  According to the volunteers, the trials and suffering they experience were not in comparison to the blessings God gave them over the years. Moreover, the pastors added that God is faithful in providing their every need in the mission field. God used every need to increase their love and faith for Jesus.  All of them acknowledged that it is God who sustained them to complete their task.

After the 3-days of soaking in God’s Word, in prayer and in fellowship with one another, the participants became more committed in serving the Lord, empowered to win more souls for the Kingdom of God and were more zealous to reach the unreached tribal groups.  To God be the glory!