By Pastor Judith Kintanar & Lady Yap
More than 130 tribal youth from 14 Evangel Family Churches of Marahan, Marilog District attended the 4th Annual Camp with the theme “YOUTH FOR CHRIST” on October 28-30, 2015 at EFC- Marahan.
The three-day camp aimed at strengthening the faith of the young people on the Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer, Devotion, Worship and Trials of the Christian Youth are the sessions that highlighted the said camp. This gathering was not only about the spiritual aspect of the youth’s life but also about their physical development. Registered nurse Claire Rusiana and Lalaine Madanlo, both from EFC-Davao shared about grooming, personal hygiene, sexual production and development, prevalent sicknesses in the area such as malaria, dengue and typhoid fever, and first aid on snake bites.
Pastor Mivelyn Margate, the host pastor and camp director believes that the body is equally important with our soul and spirit because it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. This holistic approach of the youth camp motivated the youth to be more responsible Christians and inspired them in their relationship to God, others and their own selves.
The young people received encouragement from the elders of the church through the word of God from speakers Sister Lady Yap and Pastor Judith Kintanar from the local church in Davao City and friends from the USA, namely, Sister Arlyn Lucero and Sister Remy Abandon from Lighthouse Ministries, Chicago who also gave hygiene kit with toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and face towel.
Twelve volunteer pastors from different tribal churches offered their time and talents to cook for the attendees, helped in the proper flow of games and served as facilitators for the different sessions. Pastor Peter Wee and Christine Wee of EFC-Davao gave a plaque of Appreciation to Lighthouse Ministries, Chicago through their representative Sis. Arlyn Lucero for their 14 years of unfailing support to the tribal churches of Marilog District.
During the camp, tribal pastors and youth leaders received 100 Bibles from Westchester Church as well. Through this missionary endeavor, many Matigsalug tribal people have come to receive salvation through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.
The attendees expressed their excitement to invite their friends to next year’s youth camp. Indeed, the camp kindled a firm commitment among the youth to spread the gospel to the lost.