EFC-Marahan trained Sunday School Tribal Teachers
Sunday School teachers of the Matigsalog tribe at Marilog District, Davao City underwent training to effectively win tribal children to Christ last April 29.
Sixteen eager teachers and EFC-Marahan pastors Rev. Patricio and wife Rev. Mivelyn Margate warmly welcomed training facilitators Cecille Gacasan and La Donna Yap who are experienced Sunday School teachers of EFC-Davao. The facilitators’ passion was equaled by the trainees’ enthusiasm and openness. The anointing and joy of the Holy Spirit, the Great Teacher, spurred the whole day event.
Teacher Cecille taught the participants new action songs and games for children. She used team work and cooperative learning as strategies for student-centered Sunday School classes. As opposed to traditional teaching where a teacher does everything, a student-centered class promotes age-appropriate tasks and responsibilities to all learners. Teacher Cecille also taught the tribal teachers how to start training little ones in prayer, games and worship leading.
Teacher La Donna, for her part, taught techniques in memory verses. The techniques are very helpful in sustaining the interest and short attention of children. She also demonstrated how to accurately explain and creatively communicate Bible verses to kids.
The highlight of the training was the sharing of the Gospel to little children. The trainers introduced The Wordless Book and the Bridge Method to help children grasp salvation.
The Wordless Book is a colorful illustration to help children understand spiritual truths, such as the black first page indicating sin, and the red second page signifying the blood of Jesus that washes away our sins. The Bridge Method is based on John 14:6 which hails Jesus as the only way to salvation. The Bridge Method also identifies different futile ways of man trying to save himself. An example is the story of the Tower of Babel where man unsuccessfully tried to connect to God through great knowledge or magnificent deed.
With these simple presentations, not only the teachers but also the young children can share the gospel of salvation to family, friends and neighbors.
At the end of the day, the Name of the Lord is praised. The participants went home blessed and ready to spread love to the children whose tender hearts and great faith amazed Jesus Himself!