By: Kezia Chavez and Glory Grace Plana


EFC Iloilo City’s Good Friday Special service was a moving experience, filled with powerful worship, messages, and performances that captured the essence of Christ’s sacrifice and victory. Last March 29, 2024, EFC Iloilo organized a Good Friday Special service that was truly enlightening!

The program began with a captivating praise and worship session led by the talented music team, setting a spiritually uplifting mood for the evening. The youth of EFC Iloilo City took center stage with their captivating performance of “Via Dolorosa,” a portrayal of Jesus Christ’s journey to the cross. Through dance and drama, they conveyed the profound message of sacrifice and redemption, reminding everyone of the enduring victory found in Christ’s resurrection. Following the youth performance, Reverend Benjamin Chavez delivered a sermon titled ‘The Cross of Christ,’ a key text found in Hebrews 12:2. With genuine conviction, he enlightened the transformative power of the cross, emphasizing its significance in the lives of believers. By referencing 1 Corinthians 1:18, he explained how what may seem foolish to some holds immense power and meaning for those who understand its true significance. For every believer, understanding the significance of the cross of Christ reminds them of the love and sacrifice He made for them. It gives them hope and strength in difficult times, knowing that He overcame suffering and death for their sake. Let’s hold onto this truth and allow it to inspire us to live lives of gratitude, love, and compassion toward others.

God moved in their church through a heartwarming victory song. They are indeed filled with love, compassion, and joy within their heart. God shined His love in their lives and completely revived the spiritual aspect of their lives. Good Friday reminded them that they were already bought by the blood of Jesus. It’s a time of reflection, gratitude, and remembrance, as believers reflect on the love and grace displayed on the cross because that is how He showed his love for them.