By La Donna Yap
In order to grow in maturity, wholeness, fruitfulness and Christlikeness, Pastors Patricio and Mivelyn Margate, Core Leaders of JECPP Tribal Ministry at Marahan, Marilog District feel the great need to equip the tribal believers in their jurisdiction through feeding on the truth from God’s word.
On February 23, 2017 at EFC Marahan, some seventy tribal pastors and volunteers who are seeking an increased understanding of the word of God gathered for one day of equipping. Bro. Jonadab Sepulveda of EFC Davao, shared the topic about the “End Time Prophecy”. He stressed the importance of knowing what God has to say about the end times and further informed the delegates about what is happening in the world and how it aligned to what is stated in the Bible (Matt. 24:6) The topic created awakening and awareness among the hearers as they clearly see the relevance of past, present and future events to God’s great salvation plan.
In addition, Sis. La Donna Yap of EFC Davao shared about the “Rulership of the Flesh in the Believer’s Life”. She explained the differences between the Natural Man (1 Cor. 2:14), the Carnal Man (1 Cor. 3:1-8) and the Spiritual Man (1 Cor. 2:14). She emphasized that believers should contend to grow in the knowledge of God and should not remain as babies in the Lord, for only those who are referred to as Spiritual Man has the mind of Christ and is abiding in Him, therefore they are the only ones who can bear fruit in the Kingdom of God and who can endure till the end.
Moreover, she concluded the one-day training with the topic: Healing the Wounded Soul. She elaborated that the key to the miraculous is Emotional Healing from sin, pain or traumatic experiences. As an example to this, she described the instances when Jesus heals in the Bible, where He often says “Be healed and sin no more.” She added that when Jesus heals, He addresses the issues of the soul as well. When we are healed from our emotional wounds, we can effectively minister to others.
The training ended with an altar call where every single participant surrendered their hearts to God. Rev. Peter Wee, ministered through prayer of healing and impartation. By God’s grace, the tribal brethren were deeply touched by the life-giving teaching of the word of God, and the profound expressions of love and encouragement. Everyone felt the love of the Lord and were empowered to do exploits in the Kingdom of God.