by Bro. Anton Pontillas
Ten years have passed since Pastor Willy and Pastor Rosemin Pontillas opened their hearts to God’s direction for Koronadal City. A decade of hard work and perseverance. It’s an incredible journey filled with struggles, challenges, and triumphs. God is perfect and excellent. He deserves our endless gratitude and thankfulness as they embark on their 10th anniversary and Thanksgiving celebration.
“Forever Grateful,” as the theme says, means being grateful for everything. Being forever thankful to God as the fountain of all goodness, and as He gave us a joyful life. Ten years is more than enough for us to thank Him for all He has done in our church. The festivities commenced with a fervent prayer to God, thanking Him for his goodness, followed by a reading of the church’s history, comprehensively showing how the church has been blessed with members and children. Then, as Psalm 95:1-2 says, “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.” Then, “Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.” The atmosphere arose as the praise and worship began, led by Pastor Jerwin Morong. songs of thankfulness and reverence for how worthy our God is. Indeed, God is great. Sis. Shaina Belarmino shared her testimony of how God healed her ovarian cyst, which she had been struggling with for nine years, and how she encountered the joy of her salvation. She is one of the fruits of the crusade last year. Indeed, God is incredible, and He always works a miracle.
The celebration was graced with the words of Pastora Jane Anne Poliño, who talked about the ten lepers from Luke 17:11–18 and encouraged everyone to be grateful at all times. “Add to Heart,” as she shared how we should view gratitude through attitude, responsibility, and lifestyle. She ended her preaching with a heartfelt song, “Christmas Is About the Cross.” The song’s message implies that Christmas is about how Jesus was born just once so that we might be born again. The celebration continued with a delicious banquet served by EFC Koronadal members who contributed and helped make the celebration successful. God is more than enough, and He is the Great Provider. God is unique, and EFC Koronadal is thankful for all He has done. God is great and worthy to be praised. Forever grateful.