By: Kassandra Nicole Mae Aguilar
In Genesis 2:18 “The Lord God said, it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Furthermore, King Solomon stated in Proverbs 14:1 “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” In these two bible verses, we learned that women can be great influencers in their families and the society as a whole.
EFC churches in Davao Oriental Section recognized the design God meant for women. To empower them to arise into their Kingdom’s purpose and use their full capacity to bring transformation in their circle of influence for the glory of God. A two-day seminar was held last May 9-10, 2019 at EFC- Mati and in Mayo Beach Resort respectively. The event was participated by 35 dynamic and faithful women of EFC Mati, EFC Macambol, EFC Catmunan, and EFC Magum.
Rev. Delia Miguel of EFC Mati and Pastor Emerita Aquino of EFC Macambol lovingly shared enriching messages, words of encouragement and life lessons during the seminar. On the first day, Pastor Delia preached on “Our Identity in Christ”. She gave nine principles of what a woman should know about her identity, that she is: blessed, chosen, loved, adopted, accepted, forgiven, settled, and called. On the other session, she delivered a message entitled “Application in Spiritual Life”, she said that everyone should be acquainted with their strengths and weaknesses to be effective in their family life and ministry. She added that everyone needs to be positive in every aspect in life, whether in work, church, household affairs and community.
Moreover, Pastor Emerita shared about the Importance to Walk with the Holy Spirit. She stressed that with the Holy Spirit, we can have happiness, grace, courage, and direction in life. She highlighted that life without God is a useless one. According to her to walk with God is to work with God, and be one with God. On the following day, she shared about Values, Priority, and Balance. She reminded everyone to recognize their talent, discover them, use them and give God the glory.
The participants were also blessed with the presence of Pastor Renante Miguel, of EFC Mati, Pastor Glen and Pastor Marian Cheng of EFC Magum who ministered to them in service and prayers.
The 2-days affair were filled with praises and testimonies. Every heart was full of rejoicing for they were restored by the messages delivered to them. Each of one went home refreshed and renewed with the Word of God.