By Pastor Rosario Simpas
People flock to flower shops, chocolate stores or expensive restaurants to catch the romantic ambiance of the love month. But for the married couples in JECPP Davao del Norte churches, an entire day of sitting at the feet of the Author of Love is the best way to celebrate Valentine.
The Married Couples’ day, a post Valentine treat last February 18 held at EFC-Kapalong, Davao del Norte at their Florida outreach church drew 42 participants from three EFC churches. Persistent rains before the event almost cancelled the fellowship, but the sky turned sunny and gracious on this day.
Listening reflectively on God’s heart for marriage during the day’s session was how Mr. Sergio Oblimaga of EFC-Florida showed his wife how much she means to him. After 47 years of marriage and 12 children, Mr. Oblimaga is still passionate on learning how to love his wife more.
Like Mr. Oblimaga, the couples’ whole-hearted participation inspired us as Speakers for this event. It was an honor for me and my husband, Rev. Gregorio Simpas, to be part of their lives. We were touched when they hugged us and say, “Thank you very much, Pastors. You are a blessing to us.”