By: Pastor Greta Tamayor
April 19, 2019 was a remarkable date in the lives of EFC-Palawan. It was a special time to celebrate and experience the overflowing presence of God in worship, prayer and soaking in His Word. Everyone whose hungry for the Master’s touch gathered together on this momentous event.
To be filled with the Holy Spirit and be raised up as a mighty army of God that will fill the earth with His power and love is one of the ultimate desires of His children. Likewise, God also wants to empower His chosen ones in order to fulfill their Kingdom destiny. To do this, we need to be submerged in His holy presence.This is the day for the manifestation of the supernatural power of God in the church. Jesus is reviving His church; He put fresh fire in everyone’s life and ministry and that’s what happened to those who attended this one day activity. Every hungry and thirsty hearts were filled, souls were awakened, gift of tongues were received, the consuming fire of the Holy Spirit fall upon those who earnestly desire for it, just like what took place in the day of Pentecost, as a fulfillment of God’s promise in Acts 2:17 “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people…” The church was indeed on fire that day!
In the afternoon session, the time we spent with God was truly amazing. Ptr. Greta Tamayor shared about the “Guide to your Destiny”. God’s words are so powerful and we have a lot of revelations on it. Many of us were living a life that we were not supposed to live. We were doing things that seems good but not the right things for us to do. There were life’s questions that were still unanswered in our hearts such as: Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here? What can I do? Where am I going? These 5 essential questions were answered during that day. The answers to these questions are the elements and guide to do the things that one is born to do.
During the sharing, we learned that God has already prepared our destiny, but it is a hidden to those who are not seeking His will. God has an information about us and He is hiding it. Nobody can give an answer to why we exist. No one knows the product like the manufacturer. Likewise, no one knows us fully well except our Creator, God. But you can know that hidden secret about your destiny. As it is written, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. But God has revealed it to us by the Spirit.” 1 Cor. 2: 9-10. We can ask God through the Holy Spirit to reveal our purpose and the truth about our lives.
This day marks the turning point of EFC-Palawan. A spark has been ignited. It is the start of the breakthrough that every heart is longing for. We are now ready to make an impact to those who are in the darkness and influence the world with the Kingdom culture.
Indeed, it’s a memorable date with our Loving Master, as our Almighty God is now saying, “I’ve got a destiny for you to fulfill. My plan will come to pass. Be what you are born to be!”